Category: New York Friends

Ken 到港一遊

一年一度 Ken 回港渡假,順道借了幾支 Voigtlander 舊鏡玩。

Christine and Gary 來港短聚

Christine and Gary 途經香港到布吉旅遊,順到品嚐美食。

紐約遊 2013 Day 2

到埗後第一天,到新州家附近的藍公雞吃愛爾蘭早餐,並在附近閒逛。中午相約光哥到金鳳軒喝茶。晚上跟 Winnie、Kevin、Ken 和 Carol 在 Edison 吃韓國燒烤,我家人剛巧在附近購物。


Ken 回港一遊,雜影幾張照片。還有同爸爸媽媽去大帽山飲茶照片。

Ken & Carol in Hong Kong

一年一度,Ken and Carol 來港消費。

Grant First Year’s Birthday Party / Library School Project

2014 年在舊 PhotoCD 找到的舊照片,拍攝年份為 2000年12月,包括 Grant 的周歲生日宴及用作 Library School Group Project 的圖片。

Battery Park

It had been long that I didn’t pick up my camera and take pictures. On the saturday of July 8th, I brought my camera, Nikon FM2, and went to the Battery Park City, NY. Took some picture around and then went to a Japanese restaurant at Noho. The photos are pretty good, although some shots, …

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Ken’s Party

Ken held his new house party at his house in Staten Island, NY on March 2000. The photos were taken by Kevin’s digital camera. Some friends attended including Carol, Kevin and Winnie, Nelson, Wilson and a surprised guest Grant, Kevin and Winnie’s son.  

Birthday Party

I held a birthday party at a chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, NY on May 2000. We had a private room for dinner and Karaoke. We were all having fun and the party last to 3am in the morning. Kevin brought his digital camera to the party and took those pictures.