
Just a regular meeting with HK relatives.

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Ken 香港遊 with Carl Zeiss

Ken’s trip in Hong Kong.  We had been to BB 開心茶座, 麥兆記, 豪華 and 飛鵝山.


Taken by Leica M8

殘荷 with Prominent Voigtlander

Lens testing of Ken’s Leica M9 w/ Prominent Voigtlander at 大尾督 and 雲泉仙館.


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Courtesy by Ken with his Leica M9 and Prominent Voigtlander

大澳 with Ken’s Family

到 Carol 父母的大澳家一遊,順道品嚐大澳美食。

You may download large sized file here.

Taken by Rolleiflex White Face 35mm Planar w/ Fuji Reala 120

Macau Trip with Ken and Carol

與 Ken 一家暢遊澳門,品嚐地道美食及觀賞水舞間。

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Taken by Leica M8 w/ Summicron 50/2


Redwood & Crater Lake

五月時因公幹到了美國,文哥便組織了一個西岸家庭旅行團(順道把 UA 的里數用完)。出發前文哥患了腸胃炎,身體虛弱得不得了,差點要取消旅程。幸好最後如期出發,旅程完成後樂見他的精神比以前飽滿。

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Chufamily 2012

Kuala Lumpur : HKLA Study Trip

二零一二年參加了 Hong Kong Library Association 的學術交流團到吉隆坡各圖書館遊覽。


Day : 1 2 3 4

Mercedes Benz
