The Chufamily Network
攝於 2005 年農曆新年前夕,見圍村地方過年氣氛濃厚,便拿了相機出去影相。為給自己一個實習功課,特別不用廣角鏡,帶了一支 Sigma 70-300 Macro。
Tai O is part of my Hong Kong Trip on January 2001. We, me and my friend KiKi, hired a boat to travel around. I took most pictures on the boat.
一年一度 Ken 回港渡假,順道借了幾支 Voigtlander 舊鏡玩。
文哥 Deborah 回港,大幫在港親友必定大肆安排行程。
零五年文哥 Deborah 的中部旅行照片。
Ocean Park is part of my Hong Kong trip in 2001. I only went to some particular attractions especially the giant panda.
2006 年跟龍及琪琪到台灣遊玩,到過台北、廬山溫泉及清境農場。
2015 年 2 月的台中之旅照片集。
因為 DD 團購不勝負荷,已經有一段時間沒組團了,但最近傳出風聲牛排團又吹雞,趕快把冰箱最後兩塊消化掉。剛好酒櫃還有一支小號西班牙酒,份量正好適合我和 Joan 飲用。
一次即興的 100fun 雲泉素食聚會。
Jun 16
No Images found.
Jun 01
My first outdoor potrait photography with Maggie and Brenda
My first portrait photography with Fion. First time trying and left out many bugs in the background.
The Garfield’s new movie promotion at Amoy Gardens. 由上至下:加菲、薛凱琪、林一峰
Kitty 的新上海餐館
May 15
BBQ Birthday Party at Bride Pool
Apr 24
Dinner hosted in New York Chinatown in April 2004
Watch a video here
Apr 01
IFC shots at April 2004
Mar 08
Kitty’s wedding party in March.
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