The Chufamily Network
聯和墟開了一家超大 759 店,適逢 759 減價,買了波蘭排骨及智利蟹肉當晚餐,加上去年在 759 買的紅酒,剛巧全部都是 759 貨。
Well ….. Someone said they need a quick escape from exhausted work. So I drive them to Pocket Bay, where is only 20 minutes drive from work. Pocket Bay is a nice little old fisherman’s village with good food.
參加了香港大學舉辦的 Leadership Institute 課程,到了泰國曼谷五天。頭四天都在酒店會議室上課,沒有拍照,唯獨最後一天到朱拉隆功大學參觀時,才帶相機去。
是次旅行比較即興,原因是 Joan 公司農曆年放長假,為免浪費了假期,便計劃到日本旅行。我對京都有一份情意結,原因是眾多日本都巿之中,唯獨京都的古蹟保存得比較完整。
回美後入了一批 DD 牛扒,這次是義大利品種美國飼養的 Piedmontese 肉眼扒,用的是 DeBuyer 煎 Pan。
Visit to Wood’s house for party gathering
2005 年 Frank&Deborah 的 Oregon 旅行照片
Jun 16
Jun 01
My first outdoor potrait photography with Maggie and Brenda
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My first portrait photography with Fion. First time trying and left out many bugs in the background.
The Garfield’s new movie promotion at Amoy Gardens. 由上至下:加菲、薛凱琪、林一峰
Kitty 的新上海餐館
May 15
BBQ Birthday Party at Bride Pool
Apr 24
Dinner hosted in New York Chinatown in April 2004
Watch a video here
Apr 01
IFC shots at April 2004
Mar 08
Kitty’s wedding party in March.
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