The Chufamily Network
2006 年農曆年在美國的照片,適逢文哥新入手 CONTAX SL300RT,跟其他廠機的照片相比明顯優勝。
即興到了澳門吃喝玩樂了半天,因為 Alan 有工作在身沒有一起來,文哥又想回美前跟 Alan 吃一頓飯,所以在黃昏前趕返香港。晚上在北角高麗韓國餐廳吃韓國燒烤。
2001 年家楠九個月大時的照片
因上次 Boxing Day 邊爐有朋友向隅,新年後特設第二輪邊爐。
Most B&W (Black and White) photos were taken during my photography class around 1990. Some of them were selected to the department annual photo exhibit.
2005 年 Arnott 玩雪照片及雜相幾張
零五年文哥 Deborah 的中部旅行照片。
Frankie went to Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in June 2003.
訪問 SCAD Library。
Jun 16
Jun 01
My first outdoor potrait photography with Maggie and Brenda
My first portrait photography with Fion. First time trying and left out many bugs in the background.
The Garfield’s new movie promotion at Amoy Gardens. 由上至下:加菲、薛凱琪、林一峰
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Kitty 的新上海餐館
May 15
BBQ Birthday Party at Bride Pool
Apr 24
Dinner hosted in New York Chinatown in April 2004
Watch a video here
Apr 01
IFC shots at April 2004
Mar 08
Kitty’s wedding party in March.
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