The Chufamily Network
Well ….. Someone said they need a quick escape from exhausted work. So I drive them to Pocket Bay, where is only 20 minutes drive from work. Pocket Bay is a nice little old fisherman’s village with good food.
The Garfield’s new movie promotion at Amoy Gardens. 由上至下:加菲、薛凱琪、林一峰
原本想去錦田華嫂,點知 GPS 點錯路入左大欖隧道,將錯就錯入深井。深井燒鵝食得多,今次搵新意思,試下聞名已久既深井西式燒乳豬。
三分吹雞帶我同花花去上環素藝舍。中菜 Fine Dining 一向是我喜愛的菜式,私房菜亦給予廚師充分準備,話雖小弟係食肉獸一名,但這仍然是一頓令人驚喜的晚宴。
Dinner at Ah Q’s House
我和 Joan 七月時才去過台灣,短短兩個月又來到了台灣一趟,主要原因是信用咭的海外飲食回贈還未用,加上這幾個月的工作將會較忙,要來個快閃旅遊的話,台北還是首選。
一年一度 Ken&Carol 回港大日子,我特地在將軍澳浦田設宴款待 Ken 及趙伯母一家。
Lens testing of Ken’s Leica M9 w/ Prominent Voigtlander at 大尾督 and 雲泉仙館.
May 27
Frankie went to Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in June 2003.
May 03
BBQ party at my new house in May 2003.
Apr 05
Feb 14
Frankie and Deborah’s trip to Rome.
No Images found.
Feb 01
Hiking Trip with friends in February 2003.
Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner at Uncle Fu’s house
Watch videos : 1 2
Jan 20
Arnott photos in New Jersey, January 2003
Jan 13
Ah Fu’s Birthday dinner in China Town
Jan 05
Buffet dinner in Long Island
Watch a video here.
Dec 30
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