The Chufamily Network
菠蘿一家大細來了上水家訪,Otis&Serena 異口同聲地說要吃牛排,剛好冰箱還有幾塊牛扒,只是最小的一塊也有三吋厚。牛排先慢煮 5 小時(54 度),再用煎 pan 無面煎兩分鐘。
2005 年文哥去 Zion NP the Narrows 的照片
新入手的 Contax IIa,回歸菲林。
由 Geoff 牽頭的一個 BB 派對。
Alan 生日,去三姐海鮮飯店食地道海鮮,繼續由阿舅的『飲茶錢』津貼,尾數由我支付。
Kitty’s wedding party at the end of February.
是次旅行比較即興,原因是 Joan 公司農曆年放長假,為免浪費了假期,便計劃到日本旅行。我對京都有一份情意結,原因是眾多日本都巿之中,唯獨京都的古蹟保存得比較完整。
BBQ party at my Kwong’s house in July 2003. That was also Frankie’s birthday party.
Lens testing of Ken’s Leica M9 w/ Prominent Voigtlander at 大尾督 and 雲泉仙館.
Jun 16
Jun 01
My first outdoor potrait photography with Maggie and Brenda
My first portrait photography with Fion. First time trying and left out many bugs in the background.
The Garfield’s new movie promotion at Amoy Gardens. 由上至下:加菲、薛凱琪、林一峰
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Kitty 的新上海餐館
May 15
BBQ Birthday Party at Bride Pool
Apr 24
Dinner hosted in New York Chinatown in April 2004
Watch a video here
Apr 01
IFC shots at April 2004
Mar 08
Kitty’s wedding party in March.
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