The Chufamily Network
Frankie and Deborah’s trip to Rome.
全家褔係列,包括最早期 1987 年移民前的大合照。
Tai O is part of my Hong Kong Trip on January 2001. We, me and my friend KiKi, hired a boat to travel around. I took most pictures on the boat.
2015 年 5 月,文哥 Deborah 回港慶祝母親節,一家去了澳門吃喝玩樂。為免行程太趕,大家在十六浦住了一晚。
一年一度的美國行,今年的隨團團友除 Joan 外,還有媽媽及大哥 Alan,一家人更浩浩盪盪地去大峽谷及中部的國家公園遊覽。
一年一度的 100fun 朋友聚會,今年喺新居邊爐聚會。
飯後 Zoe 在我面前疏頭,我隨手拿起相機拍了幾張。
May 27
Frankie went to Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in June 2003.
May 03
BBQ party at my new house in May 2003.
Apr 05
Feb 14
No Images found.
Feb 01
Hiking Trip with friends in February 2003.
Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner at Uncle Fu’s house
Watch videos : 1 2
Jan 20
Arnott photos in New Jersey, January 2003
Jan 13
Ah Fu’s Birthday dinner in China Town
Jan 05
Buffet dinner in Long Island
Watch a video here.
Dec 30
Dinner at Ah Q’s House
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