Battery Park

It had been long that I didn’t pick up my camera and take pictures. On the saturday of July 8th, I brought my camera, Nikon FM2, and went to the Battery Park City, NY. Took some picture around and then went to a Japanese restaurant at Noho. The photos are pretty good, although some shots, I think, I can do better.


Ken’s Party

Ken held his new house party at his house in Staten Island, NY on March 2000. The photos were taken by Kevin’s digital camera. Some friends attended including Carol, Kevin and Winnie, Nelson, Wilson and a surprised guest Grant, Kevin and Winnie’s son.


Birthday Party

I held a birthday party at a chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, NY on May 2000. We had a private room for dinner and Karaoke. We were all having fun and the party last to 3am in the morning. Kevin brought his digital camera to the party and took those pictures.



The photos were taken on my last vacation trip on Fall 1998 (as of July 2000), when I had been several places in few weeks. I travelled to Florida, Vermont and Vancouver. Those pictures were taken by me with my Advantix panoramic camera and some of them were touched digitally.


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這是 成立前寄存在紐約巿立大學伺服器的網頁,也是 chufamily 家庭網站最早的網頁版本。網頁底稿早已遺失,這是從 Internet Archive 資料庫中找出來的版本,網站大部分的圖片及網頁功能仍然能夠運作。在手記《擺脫了黑古勒突的年代》則簡略說了當時的創作既念:

舊網站源用黑色設計,可追溯到九六年初設網頁的時候,當時流行的設計較為簡單,大多以 Default 的白底為主。有見及此,韋信起用黑色設計,與人「不一樣」的感覺。如今時下網頁設計不再以白色為主,韋信樂於反撲歸真,以白底黑字設計。至於黑白的偏好, 一來是個人喜愛,二來則是方便為插圖配底色。

說起來,這也是我唯一採用過 frame 設計的個人網站,而事實證明 frame 設計有其問題,後來漸漸被網民捨棄。





Mindspring Photos

Most B&W (Black and White) photos were taken during my photography class around 1990. Some of them were selected to the department annual photo exhibit. Few of them were taken in 1994. After that, I rarely take and develop any B&W photo.


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3 color photos were edited digitally by me around 1998:

  • Original fire work photo was taken by my brother Alan in Hong Kong. I took out the boats and replaced with the artificial shadow of the firework.
  • f16, was taken by my brother Frankie at West Coast, U.S. (certainly not sunset boulevard). I turned the photo B&W and added color to certain places.
  • f17, was taken by Frankie on his trip at Las Vegas, U.S. I added the motion blur at the background.
