The Chufamily Network
Ken 每年都會回港一次,說要找一個地方影相,其實很多地方他都去過了,要找新鮮的景點實在傷腦根,加上天氣不穩,拍攝遠景大多都會掃興。這次選擇了在港島南的大潭水塘,最美的要算那條古老石橋。
定期的 RJWBW 晚飯,今次返食素藝社。
My first outdoor potrait photography with Maggie and Brenda
一年一度,Ken and Carol 來港消費。
聞名已久。剛好 RubyMichael 約食午飯,一拍即合。
BBQ party at my new house in May 2003.
Baltimore trip in August 2003, U.S.
Pictures was shot around late January 2001 when Alan was in the New York. All pictures were taken by him with his Minox camera.
一個悠閒的周日下午,去了大尾篤龍尾村的 BB 開心棧,平時周末特別旺場的食店卻出奇地無乜食客。
May 27
Frankie went to Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in June 2003.
May 03
Apr 05
Feb 14
Frankie and Deborah’s trip to Rome.
No Images found.
Feb 01
Hiking Trip with friends in February 2003.
Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner at Uncle Fu’s house
Watch videos : 1 2
Jan 20
Arnott photos in New Jersey, January 2003
Jan 13
Ah Fu’s Birthday dinner in China Town
Jan 05
Buffet dinner in Long Island
Watch a video here.
Dec 30
Dinner at Ah Q’s House
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