The Chufamily Network
Tai O is part of my Hong Kong Trip on January 2001. We, me and my friend KiKi, hired a boat to travel around. I took most pictures on the boat.
聯和墟開了一家超大 759 店,適逢 759 減價,買了波蘭排骨及智利蟹肉當晚餐,加上去年在 759 買的紅酒,剛巧全部都是 759 貨。
Keeping Sir 第二次搞的人體藝術攝影團。
2004 年農曆年前後,幫文哥買了部咭片相機 Contax SL300R T*,這幾輯照片替當時鄰坐的同事 Doris 所拍的試機照片。
是次旅行比較即興,原因是 Joan 公司農曆年放長假,為免浪費了假期,便計劃到日本旅行。我對京都有一份情意結,原因是眾多日本都巿之中,唯獨京都的古蹟保存得比較完整。
May 27
Frankie went to Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in June 2003.
May 03
BBQ party at my new house in May 2003.
Apr 05
Feb 14
Frankie and Deborah’s trip to Rome.
No Images found.
Feb 01
Hiking Trip with friends in February 2003.
Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner at Uncle Fu’s house
Watch videos : 1 2
Jan 20
Arnott photos in New Jersey, January 2003
Jan 13
Ah Fu’s Birthday dinner in China Town
Jan 05
Buffet dinner in Long Island
Watch a video here.
Dec 30
Dinner at Ah Q’s House
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