殘荷 with Prominent Voigtlander

Lens testing of Ken’s Leica M9 w/ Prominent Voigtlander at 大尾督 and 雲泉仙館.


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Courtesy by Ken with his Leica M9 and Prominent Voigtlander

大澳 with Ken’s Family

到 Carol 父母的大澳家一遊,順道品嚐大澳美食。

You may download large sized file here.

Taken by Rolleiflex White Face 35mm Planar w/ Fuji Reala 120

Macau Trip with Ken and Carol

與 Ken 一家暢遊澳門,品嚐地道美食及觀賞水舞間。

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Taken by Leica M8 w/ Summicron 50/2


Redwood & Crater Lake

五月時因公幹到了美國,文哥便組織了一個西岸家庭旅行團(順道把 UA 的里數用完)。出發前文哥患了腸胃炎,身體虛弱得不得了,差點要取消旅程。幸好最後如期出發,旅程完成後樂見他的精神比以前飽滿。

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Chufamily 2012

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Kuala Lumpur : HKLA Study Trip

二零一二年參加了 Hong Kong Library Association 的學術交流團到吉隆坡各圖書館遊覽。


Day : 1 2 3 4

Mercedes Benz





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Taken by Canon EOS and EF70-200/2.8

100fun BBQ

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